1. Book chapter  should be written on pages with16 cm width and 24 cm height sizes.
  2. Spaces should be given 2,5 cm from left, 2 cm right, up and down of the page.
  3. Headings should be written in 14 points with Times New Roman font and in bold and main heading should be set on the mid of the page.
  4. The name of author or authors should be written in 12 point with Times New Roman font  double space below the main heading. The author’s name’s initial letter and surname’s whole letter should be written in capital. In the event of multiple authors their names should be written side by side.
  5. Heading, institution and e-mail addresses of the authors should be written as a footnote 9 point with Times New Roman font on the first page.
  6. After the names of the authors there should be a line of space.
  7. Texts should be written with Times New Roman, 11 points, and 1.15 line paragraph spacing stretching justified.
  8. Writing styles of the heading in the text.


9.1. degree headings, only the first letters are in capital and bold, 14 points ( colour should be red)

9. 2. degree headings, only the first letters are in capital and bold, 13 points ( colour should be blue)

9. 3. degree headings, only the first letters are in capital and bold, 12 points (colour should be green)

Further subheadings, only the first letters are in capital, and bold-italics, 12 points (colour should be orange)

  1. There is no need to write an abstract at the beginning of the text. Authors can start the text with writing an intermediate heading or an “introduction” heading.
  2. Paragraphs should be organized as 0pt first and 5pt later.
  3. Paragraph indents should be 0,5 cm.
  4. Footnotes should be written in 9 points and there should be no references but only explanations in the footnotes.
  5. Tables and charts should be enumerated, their headings should be above them, they should be written in 11 points and bold. The contents of the table or the chart should be 10 points and one line space. Tables and charts should be located on one page and should not be allocated among the pages.
  6. Figures and graphics should be enumerated and their names should be written in 10 points and italics.
  7. There should be references to the tables, figures and graphics in the text. (e.g. as can be seen in table 1, figure 2, etc.)
  8. The text, including references, should not be longer than 20 pages.
  9. Quotations should be given in text within the parenthesizes. References in the texts should be given like (Dogan, 2014) for the texts which have been written by one author; (Dogan &Turker, 2003) for the texts which have been written by two authors; ( Aydın, Turker & Dogan, 2016) for the texts which have been written by three authors, (Sarili & ark., 2018) for the texts which have been written by more than three authors. While giving references to an author who has more than
  1. References should be written in alphabetical order. All sources should be written in their original language. Bibliography examples are given below.

Article: Author surname, Initial letter of author’s name. (Year). Heading of article. The name of the journal where the article is published, Volume, page no. Doi number (if available).

Book: Author’s surname, author’s first name. (Year). The name of the book. (Number of prints). Publication Place: Publishing House

Book chapter  : Author’s surname, Author’s name’s initial letter. (Year). Section name. Editor’s Name Surname (Ed.) In Book Name (page range). Publication Place: Publishing House

Translation Book: Author’s surname, initial of the author’s name. (Year). The name of the book. (The name and surname of the translation editor,  Trans. Ed.). Publication Place: Publishing House

Proceedings: Author’s surname, author’s first name’s initial letter. (Year). Heading of the proceeding. Name of the Event in which the proceeding has been published, Date, City, page.

Internet source: Source (Year). Publication name. (Access date and address from the Internet)